Our Families

User Guide


This website contains information about people and places (present and historical).  This guide provides help with navigating the site and understanding the information that is available.



Find your person of interest by Search, Surname Index,  or a person's photo under People.  CLICK on a person's name anywhere and you will be taken to their profile page.  NOTE: When searching for a female, use the maiden name.


  • Clicking on "Family Explorer" displays a 3 generation pedigree chart that also contains siblings, partners, and children.
  • A blue tree icon  before a name indicates that the person is one of my ancestors.  A green tree icon indicates that the person is one of my wife's ancestors.   Hover over icons for explanation.
  • A person profile picture (or silhouette) is displayed.  Click on the square on the upper right to see an enlargement.
  • Click on any camera icons below the profile picture for more pictures which include the profile picture. 
  • Relationship indicates how that person is related to one of us (if they are).  The person  ID is shown and can be used for quick reference.
  • References indicate descendant charts which include the person.
  • Parents indicates the person's parents.  Camera icons below indicate pictures of person's parent's family which may or may not include the individual.
  • The Family section shows the spouse and children.  Camera icons indicate pictures of the person's family which may or may not include the person.
  • Clicking on "Pedigree Link" displays the Interactive Pedigree Chart for that person.  The chart will display 3, 4, or 5 generations.  Click on any name to change the focus person of the chart.


  • Birth, marriage, and death are the first three events.   Remaining events are ordered by date.
  • Clicking on a circle with a G will display the present location in Google maps.
  • Clicking on a circle with a "+" will provide more information about that location. 
  • A camera icon indicates a photo associated with the event.  It might be an historical map, a marriage license, an obituary, a tombstone, or etc.