Benjamin John Everett was planter.
Benjamin John Everett. _ Type: GENERAL NOTES.
3,1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 He. There were no Averetts or Everetts on the South Carolina tax lists for1733-1742. [240]
Children: In 1755, Benjamin mentions 1 child. His 1791 will mentionsseveral children. It is unknown if any of the children mentioned inhis will was the one mentioned in 1755.
1755 Jul 4: The petition of Benjamin Everit humbly setting forth thatthe petitioner had a wife and one child for whom & himself he neverhad any warrent or survey or grant of land in this province, prays tolay out one hundred and fifty acres of land near Broad River and thata grant might pass to him for the same. Dated Jul 4 1755, Benj'aEverit. The prayer thereof was granted. [257]
1758 Abraham Crouch, of Charleston, and Catherine his wife, toBenjamin Everitt, planter, of the Congarees, for L120 currency, 200 aon N side of Santee River (Congaree); bounding NW on heirs of JacobYoung; NE & SE on vacant land. Witnesses: Isaac Porcher, JohnGaillard, Bartholomew Gaillard. Recorded 27 Jul 1761 by WilliamHopton, Register. Book X-X, p126 May 30&31 1758. [139]
1763 May Joseph Curry, ESQ of Craven Co, to Benjamin Everette,planter, for L500 currency, 200 a in the forks between Congaree andWateree Rivers, bounding SW on Santee River, w on heirs of ThomasHowell, e on heirs of James Myrick. Witnesses : John Handeseyd,Joseph Curry, Jane Curry, James (his mark) Gill, John Elers. BeforeThomas Cater, JP. Recorded 16 Jan 1765 by Fenwicke Bull, Register.Book C-3 p526 May 2&3 1763 [139]
1786 Feb 25 a grant to John Pearson of 10,100 acres in the CamdenDistrict completely surrounds adjoining owner William Everett and manyothers. [281]
1787 Apr 4 Camden District SC - Benjamin Everit was one of theappraisors of the estate of LeGros Young. [127]
The Will of Benjamin Everit was written on Dec 9 1790 and recorded onSep 14 1791 [247] Book B p194. Executors William Everit, RichardEverit, Benjamin Everit. Son: James Everitt, Daughters: Margaret,Isabella, Mary. [247]
the will of Benjamin Everit is recorded in Richland Co book 1 pg 44.[137]
1800 Richland Co, Camden District became just Richland Co. He, was born before 1723. guess based on being an appraiser in 1744.
3,17,14,15 Benjamin lived in Craven Co, SC
G+, in 1744. Benjamin Everit was one of the appraisers of the estate of AlexanderMcGrew at Congarees (Craven Co).
3,1 Benjamin John Everett married
Unknown woBenjaminJohnEverett before 1753.
12 On 4 July 1755 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everit has wife and one child and request 150 acres nearBroad River Type: LAND GRANT.
1,12 In December 1755 in South Carolina
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everitt sold 150 ac on Crain Creek to Thomas Howell. Adjoining were Richard Jackson and heirs of Thomas Brown Type: LAND SALE.
1 In May 1758 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Abraham Crouch of Charleston, and wife Catherine to Benjamin Everitt,planter, of the Congarees for 120 lb currency, 200 a on n side ofSantee (Congaree) River Type: LAND PURCHASE.
14 In May 1763 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Joseph Curry, ESQ of Craven Co to Benjamin Everette, planter, forL500, 200 ac in the forks between Congaree and Wagteree Rivers,bounding sw on Santee, w on heirs of Thomas Howell, e on heirs ofJames Myrick Type: LAND PURCHASE.
14 On 23 October 1765 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. land grant to Arthur Hicklin adjoins Benjamin Everitt and others. GB13, p236 Type: NEIGHBOR.
15 On 10 July 1766 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Andrew Kersh granted 113 ac on the forks of the Santee and WatereeRivers adjoining Benjamin Everit and others. GB 13, p415 Type: NEIGHBOR.
15 Benjamin John Everett signed a will on 11 May 1767 in Craven Co, SC
G+. The will of Jesse Goodwyn lists Benjamin Everitt as one of the personsfor whom he held a note. Inventory Book Y, 1769 pages 5-7.
1 On 2 September 1767 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everit petitioned for 250 acres on the waters of the Santee. Type: LAND GRANT.
13 Benjamin lived in Craven Co, SC
G+, on 27 January 1768. Benjamin Averitte awarded 250 ac on Crain Creek, a branch of the BroadRiver. vacant on all sides.
1,4 On 1 March 1768 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. the petition of Benjamin Everitt for a warrant of survey to prolong awarrant or certify a plat was heard for 200 ac on the waters of Santee Type: LAND GRANT.
18 On 1 March 1768 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everit petitioned for 250 ac on the Wateree River Type: LAND GRANT.
13 On 2 May 1768 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Averitte awarded 200 ac on Crain Creek Type: LAND GRANT.
13 On 1 December 1769 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Averitte awarded 250 ac in the Camden District of SC on abranch of Broad River called Crain Creek. GB 19, p78 Type: LAND GRANT.
4,15 On 24 January 1770 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. memorial to Benjamin Averitte for 250 ac on Crain Creek in the CamdenDistrict Type: LAND GRANT.
4 On 6 November 1770 in South Carolina
G, Benjamin John Everett. Petition for warrants of survey for Benjamin Everit Type: other.
19 Benjamin lived in Craven Co, SC
G+, on 21 November 1770.
20 On 15 May 1771 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everit granted 200 acres on the north side of the Broad Riveron a small branch called Cane (Crain/Crane) Creek adjoining previousgrant. GB 23, p526 Type: LAND GRANT.
20 On 2 April 1773 in Craven Co, SC
G+, Benjamin John Everett. Luke Rawls granted 150 ac on the forks of the Congaree and Watereeadjoining Benjamin Evearit (sp) and James Brown GB 29, p120 Type: NEIGHBOR.
21 On 3 December 1773 in St Marks Parish, Camden District, South Carolina
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everell (sp?) is adjoining land owner Type: NEIGHBOR.
21 In 1778 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everett served as a Grand Juror for the area between theBroad and Catawba Rivers Type: JUROR.
7 On 13 May 1778 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everitt Type: TAX LIST.
16 In 1780 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everitt Type: TAX LIST.
16 In 1782 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Evert was one of the persons given a warrant for the estateof Thomas Elden. Benja Everit was sworn in. Notice difference inspellings Type: APPRAISER.
3 On 28 December 1782 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Sale of 100 ac from Daniel Collson to William McDonald is bounded onwest by Benjamin Everitt Type: NEIGHBOR.
3,5 In 1784 in South Carolina
G, Benjamin John Everett. Lease & Release: Lessor-Benjamin Everitt, Lessee - William Rivers.Book N-5 p102 Type: LAND SALE.
9 In 1785 in Richland Co, South Carolina, 1868
G, Benjamin John Everett. formed within the Camden District Type: COUNTY FORMED.
On 25 January 1785 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. a plat of 640 acres for Harris Turner on Gill's Creek of the CongareeRiver is bounded by Benjamin Everitt and others. Type: NEIGHBOR.
10 Benjamin lived in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, in 1786.
On 4 April 1787 in Camden District, South Carolina, 1769, 1800
G, Benjamin John Everett. Type: APPRAISER.
3 Benjamin John Everett was the Head of Household in the census in 1790 in Richland Co, Camden District, SC
G+. Benjamin John Everit: males 4>16; 4 females; 12 slaves. Living nextdoor was William Everit.
2 On 9 December 1790 in Richland District, South Carolina
G, Benjamin John Everett. Benjamin Everit. Executors: William Everit, Richard Everit, BenjaminEverit. Son: James Everitt. Daughters: Margaret, Isabella, Mary. Type: WILL SIGNED.
1 Benjamin John Everett died in 1791 in Richland Co, Camden District, SC
1 In 1800 in Richland Co, South Carolina, 1868
G, Benjamin John Everett. Richland Co, Camden District became just Richland Co. Camden Districtdissolved Type: COUNTY FORMED.